Friday, January 16, 2009

Manly Staches You Must See!

Well it has taken me some time to find these pictures. But after exhaustive searching I am now able to present to you some of the finest 'staches around. Hopefully it will encourage you to grow your own!

so scroll down and enjoy.......

Strange, I never took Mohler as the "Biker Stache" kind of guy. Though I must admit he pulls it off nicely, even in a suit!

You know, surprisingly enough, the "Handle Bar Stache" is quite popular among psychologists.

Never a doubt in my mind that Mahaney and his bald head wouldn't grow a "fu manchu"? Well done, well done indeed!

Ah...always the poet and romantic...of course he'd be sporting the "Clark Gable"

Ok, I've got to be honest, I am very dissapointed with Driscoll. He's like the manliest calvanist around and this is all he can come up with? Truthfully I was expecting the "Walrus Stache" [aka "Wyatt Earp"]. Instead we end up with an "Uncle Rico"? Shame on you Driscoll!

1 comment:

T said...

Does your wife know about the obsession with other men's facial hair you seem to have developed in the past couple days? It's amusing and sad in turn. Equally amusing and sad-- my readership and compulsion to comment.